Unrivalled insight. Driven by data.
Extel surveys of the buy side, sell side and C-Suite and IR teams have set the standard in using accountability and transparency to drive performance improvement. We measure what really matters and empower customers to make smarter decisions.
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Thousands of firms are rated across ten countries and regions, giving the right measures and comparators to inform your decision-making.
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What We Offer
We deliver unmatched data and actionable insights from the three sides of the investment community.
Sell Side
Do what works
The most trusted data on sell-side research advisory services to help you optimize your services, manage your resources and focus on the most profitable market segments.
C-Suite & IR
Recognize and reward the best
Quality of engagement and communication measurements to inform market sentiment monitoring, benchmarking and annual performance evaluations.
Buy Side
Drive improvement industrywide
Your judgment generates actionable data on sell-side broker and research evaluations and improves corporate communication and investor engagement.
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